This is not about using “they/them” and respecting gender diversity. It is about understanding and using Spanish words properly. So, each word has a gender, it can be feminine, masculine, and neutral. It will be easier to catch up with common phrases and remember them when you learn these gender rules.
Spanish is not that hard to learn if you’re interested in it, and as a beginner there are many tips on how to start learning it.
Now I will present you the most common rules used in Spanish related to noun gender.
1. The “O” and “A” Rule
The “O” and “A” rule is a straightforward guideline for many common nouns. If a noun ends in “O”, such as “gato” or “libro”, it is usually masculine. These words would use “el” as the article, like “el gato” for “the cat”.
Conversely, nouns ending in “A” like “mesa” and “casa” generally indicate a feminine gender. You would see them used with “la” as in “la mesa” for “the table”. Following this pattern can help identify the articles to use for a large portion of Spanish vocabulary.
2. Exceptions – The “MA” Rule
It’s good to remember that while the “O” and “A” rule works a lot of the time, there can be words that don’t follow it too. Notably, nouns of Greek origin ending in “-ma” are often masculine, despite what their ending might suggest.
A few examples of these are “el problema” which means “the problem”, “el sistema” for “the system”, and “el tema” which is “the theme”. This just shows how languages can be complicated sometimes.
3. Memorize by Endings
Beyond the basic “o” and “a” rule for gender identification in Spanish nouns, certain suffixes tend to indicate a specific category as well. For instance, nouns ending in “-ción” like “la canción” meaning “the song” or “-sión” such as “la televisión” meaning “the television” are predominantly feminine.
Other suffixes that commonly denote feminine nouns include “-dad”, as in “la ciudad” meaning “the city”. The “-tad” ending exemplified by “la libertad” translating to “freedom” also typically signifies a feminine noun. Finally, nouns ending with “-tud”, such as “la juventud” meaning “youth”, frequently correspond to the feminine gender.
4. Learn Nouns with Articles
An excellent technique for remembering noun genders in Spanish is to consistently learn nouns together with their definite articles. The definite articles are words like “el” or “la” which come before nouns, similar to “the” in English.
By pairing each noun with its proper definite article – “el” for masculine nouns and “la” for feminine – you can memorize the gender at the same time as the word itself. This helps you not only learn if a noun is masculine or feminine, but also how to use it correctly in sentences.
For example, learning the complete phrases “el sol” meaning “the sun” and “la luna” meaning “the moon” reinforces that “sol” is masculine and takes “el”, while “luna” is feminine and uses “la”. Practicing in this way makes the gender truly stick in your memory.
Rather than just viewing nouns as separate vocabulary, connecting them tightly to their definite articles provides valuable context. To improve your vocabulary you can always learn some of the most basic words.
5. Use Adjectives for Practice
Using adjectives with nouns can also be really helpful for remembering noun gender in Spanish. That’s because adjectives have to match the gender and number of the word they describe, just like in English how we say “big house” instead of “big houses”.
When you learn nouns, be sure to practice them with adjectives too. This way you’ll memorize both the word and whether it’s masculine or feminine.
For example, saying “el libro interesante” which means “the interesting book”, shows you that “libro” is a masculine noun since the adjective “interesante” ends in “e”. Or “la casa grande”, which is “the big house”, proves that “casa” is feminine because the adjective is “grande” instead of “grande”.
6. Special Groupings and Exceptions
There are always gonna be words that don’t quite fit the usual rules. Spanish, like any language, has some quirks sometimes. For one, the meaning can change just based on gender. A fun example is “el cometa” which means a comet, but “la cometa” is talking about a kite, pretty different!
And some words might follow their own beat instead of the patterns. You just gotta straight up memorize those ones. No way around it but good old-fashioned practice.
The more you actually use Spanish, whether reading, writing, or speaking, the more these special cases will start sticking in your brain naturally over time. Just keep engaging with the language however you can.
Last Words
Fluency takes immersing yourself in Spanish as much as possible. Don’t sweat the small stuff, focus on communicating. Your comprehension will grow the more you interact with the words in real ways. You’ve got this!

I am Edward Quin, a teacher and part-time freelance writer specializing in Spanish and English. With a major in these languages, I have a deep grasp of their structures, cultural richness, and literary traditions. My passion for languages inspired me to become a high school teacher, where I motivate students to discover new cultures and languages.
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